Personal 1-2-1 Readings - Via Zoom
Due to my student training schedule I am unable to offer 1-2-1 readings on a regular basis. However, if you would like to ​book a reading please feel free to contact me for further details. A 1 hour reading is £45.00.
Weekly - FREE
Check out my Facebook page and my YouTube channel for one card weekly videos. These appear most Mondays and give you an insight to the week ahead.
'Wheel of the Year' - FREE
These are special readings where you can get involved! Pick one of the three cards pictured in the photo on Facebook, and look out for the reveal a few days later. The dates of these readings are always based around the Pagan 'Wheel of the Year' calendar. The individual dates of some of these (such as the solstices) may change by a day with each year but in general they are...
Samhain/Halloween - 31st October
Yule/Winter Solstice - 21st December
Imbolc - 1st February
Ostara/Spring Equinox - 21st March
Beltane - 1st May
Litha/Midsummer Solstice - 21st June
Lughnasadh/Lammas - 1st August
Mabon/Autumn Equinox - 23rd September
Don't forget to follow my pages so you don't miss out!"